Monday, September 17, 2012

Black Holes and Expectaaaaaations

It's been ages.  I am annoyed with myself about that.  I have wanted to write at least 10 times since my last entry, but couldn't convince myself that I had anything worth sharing.

These days, my Swahili is getting a bit better including my Swahili listening skills.  Cannot explain how happy I am about this.  Every now and then, I will find myself thinking in Swahili.  I am really embracing Swahili dishes too, and feel determined to perfect the coconut bread.  It is pretty frustrating that I don't have any great kitchen utensils or nice pans/pots.  Maybe it is a blessing though, since I know that if my kitchen were decked out, I'd spend too much time trying new recipes instead of job hunting.

I was rejected for the first job I applied for.  It was with One Acre Fund in Western Kenya.  They openly promote the use of inorganic fertilizers to lots and lots of farmers.  So, it really wasn't a great fit for either side.  Probably a blessing.  Applied to two other positions, one in Uganda and one in the U.S..  Been close to two weeks and I am still awaiting responses.  Applying for jobs feels like revealing your soul to strangers and then sending documents with loads of information about yourself straight into a giant black hole.  Hopefully that feels less bizarre with time.

Last week, I traveled to Nairobi and Thika to meet with the Outreach and Networking manager for Sustainable Agriculture Community Development Programmes (SACDEP) (the website is less phenomenal than the work they are doing).  I had briefly talked to the Executive Director on the phone and he directed me to this colleague of his.  I was mainly looking for information about their program with the coastal youth and how I might involve myself- but it turns out that it's a "fruit, nut, and livestock" program that is pretty streamlined and confined and it's unlikely I would find a way to get on board.  A group of kids on the coast buys these items from farmers in Kilifi and Malindi and then goes to the higher end hotels and sells them at a profit.  Pretty solid idea, really.

The meeting went really well overall.  Started off a little shaky, I was nervous and she seemed a bit skeptical of me, which is totally fair.  Almost as I was about to leave, she casually mentioned that I could submit ideas for new programs and they would be considered.  I've also been instructed to send my CV, what my expectations are for my involvement with SACDEP, what I'd like to be exposed to and what I'd like to achieve.  Quite a lot to think about and I wish I could just send it all in today!!!  The good thing is that doing this exercise will likely help point me in a clearer direction regardless of which organization I end up working for.  True, they are broad, overwhelming questions, but it's probably good for me to uncomfortably squirm and sit with them for a few days.

I confirmed the fact that I do not miss living in the Central Province.  Nairobi was cold and too city-ish for this country mouse and Thika was still dull and almost unbearably dusty.  It was heartwarming to see a couple of good friends and the staff from G-BIACK.  Jack's mom, Simba, has another litter of puppies and they look so malnourished that it breaks my heart.  There was a little black one with brown eyebrows, a white chest and brown legs.  It was like a little skeletal version of Jack back in the day.

The center has changed massively.  I am really happy for the directors (even though my relationship with them has really changed since I've left).  There are new buildings, a new greenhouse, the crops are thriving, a new and bigger seed bank (!), foot bridges across the trench, new rabbit house and some new staff.  A few of the students remembered me and were thrilled.  It really tickled me that they got so excited to see me.  Wish I could have seen the kids at the house where I used to live, so I could hand deliver their coconuts that I trekked across the country by bus.  The seed bulking garden is also more utilized these days which made me happy to see!!

I was beyond ecstatic to learn that not everything that I planted at G-BIACK died in the floods.  The chamomile, peppermint, fennel and one gorgeous pink hibiscus were still going strong, in addition to the basil.  My two strawberry plants were twice as big as when I left them and I was informed that some truly delicious strawberries had been enjoyed the day before.  Happy someone could enjoy them!

Pictures of the center to come soon.

In other news, I stupidly adopted a kitten from the main part of Mombasa town.  It has me wrapped around it's little paw and I literally have to justification for keeping it other than it helps me de-stress to play with it and care for it.  

Here's hoping it won't be another blue moon until I write again.  If anyone is, still in fact reading this thing. Ha!


Anonymous said...

So glad to read your latest! Thanks for sharing! I LOVED your description of job hunting... spot on, dude! Here's to bravely sending our souls into black holes! (I've always wondered what they were actually like... so if we hear back from a job application does that mean we'll know what a black hole is like?)
- Your anonymous sister

Unknown said...

Still reading? ....more like still checking each day with loooonnngggg periods between posts 8^( So we just make up stories about you being the world authority on seeds, being known as the woman who lives in the country with 14 dogs and 43 cats and wrestles alligators to demonstrate your thrill for adventure 8^D ....btw, Matt and I ran into Whole Foods the other day after tennis and scooted into the 'express line' since there was only one person checking out ....we walked up (obviously without paying much attention) and to my surprise Matt says "Hi Lisa" was actually my niece so we have a confirmed sighting that she exist and is alive!! Maybe she was using an assumed name to pay so that technically she could still be considered anonymous? Anyway, she was smiling, happy and downright looked great which made me wonder if she's seeing anyone special??? However, I did notice she bought some carrots and had them leave the tops on which made me wonder if she was going to pass them off as having been grown in her garden .....which makes me wonder if she really has a garden? ...I mean if she's really seeing someone 'special' does she have time to 'garden'?

P.S I'm told to advise you we have a new little boy kitten named Riley that has joined the household. He is very cute and has a looonnnggg tail that is quite handy for sweeping the floor. Unfortunately Dot is so far much less than 'whelmed' by this new addition but so far has settled for deep growling and big barred teeth hissing in lieu of what I imagine she'd really prefer, i.e. the go for the throat kill move 8^0 ....maybe the ever present squirt bottle has something to do with this? Hopefully in time she will at least tolerate Riley but I'm guessing truly loving him in a mothering was seems very unlikely at this point. Will keep you posted!

Much love, Uncle David XOXO

Kate said...

Aaaaw, thank you for the continued support Uncle David. You would win the #1 one blog fan award if I was giving one (although my mom would give you a run for your money!). I loved the updates!!! That is a little fishy about Lisa and the carrot tops ;).

My new kitten is keeping me quite busy. She still needs a name. Been quite sickly so I'm spending more time than I would like cleaning up after her. She's quite the little spaz. She'll be sitting somewhere and then in a flash she'll jump up sprint across the room and bite the leg of a chair or something random like that. Sometimes I'll be walking somewhere and come close to her and she'll jump sideways and run away as if I was coming after her. I think she misses the other stray kittens and gets lonely here sometimes.

Lots of love back to the DLMB clan!

Kate said...

What IS the story with the carrots tops dude?!? Anyway it's nice to be going through the job search at the same time as you. Let's ruthlessly encourage one another to make things happen! I think we could find a way to make it fun. Next time we talk let's kick ideas around. I know we both have the motivation, but I want to strategize different ways of putting it to use! Miss you heaps. XO Your totally UN-anonymous sister who gets stared at wherever she goes in a town where her skin nearly blinds people.