Tuesday, April 24, 2012

info on commenting

apparently google blogger decided to revamp itself in the past few days.  in the process it fixed some settings -without asking me- about who can comment.  once i discovered this, i changed the setting from "only registered users" to "anyone".  a small leap of faith that strangers around the world won't write and say horrible things, but i feel it's worth it since a couple of you have mentioned having trouble commenting.  sorry for the hassle!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Good to know! Looks like I can comment as "anonymous" and not have to sign in to google. - Your anonymous sister

Kate said...

haha! fantastique! i love having anonymous sisters. xo

Unknown said...

I am not anonymous. I am your Poopy Auntie!! I LOVE your blogs, honey. Mal and I are going to do better in keeping up with them. Please know that we are devoted readers now! Big hugs....