The beginnings of my first portable (sac) garden

This is near Thika town, I just thought "cool tavern" was hilarious.

Basically, this is what Thika looks like. Factory after factory after...

Giant fern near the snake park in Nairobi

These statues made me happy, also in the gardens near the snake park

Charming, lovely tile mosaics in the gardens. I want my garden to have these one day!

Stunning bird displays in the Nairobi National Museum, wish my Grandma Ahm could have seen all the little lovelies.

Woops the gourd picture didn't make it. There was a big sculpture of many gourds representing different tribes, it was so tall and made me think of my Mom and her love of gourds.

This one's for my musician sister. The picture doesn't capture it, but the horn was literally almost as long as I am tall.

The (most unlikely) gang: Keith, Shiro, Peris, her very pregnant sister Rose, Sister Consolata, Karanja, and me

Kibera slums. One of the largest slums in the world.

Seeds drying in our seed rack at the G-BIACK seed bank. Clockwise from top left: Oats, sorghum, chillies, sunflower, Kikuyu maize.

Stored seeds in their old plastic containers which need replacing.

The 20 lucky seed varieties that made the cut for the upgrade to their lovely, rat-proof glass jars which were funded by private donations.

Me and Wilbur. He screamed like crazy when I picked him up, I think at that time he was about 3 weeks old.

One of our gorgeous bees doing its important work on our lettuce. Check out the pollen it has!!!

My first ever Locust! It was so breathtakingly unusual that I literally stared at it and took pictures for about 10 minutes while everyone else looked at me like I was way too easily amused.

Wild monkeys at the PELUM (Participatory Ecological Land Use Management) offices in Thika.

Building my first seed flat in the nursery during our nursery practical. Pretty much in my element here.

Sawing wood, also fun, but I prefer a hammer.

Maize against a backdrop of Nanasi sunset. Near Thika River.

Our favorite spot at Thika River

Shiro and I hanging out.

Keith and I.

African squirrel! This one's for you, Kim. Even though you don't read my blog. Haha!

Making homemade liquid soap on a Saturday
These are great, Kate! Thanks for taking the time to post. Really helps us get a feel for what it's like there. Dad
Thank you so much for posting these, Kate! I love to see what you are doing and what you see. The seed jars look great, but don't they need to be covered from the light? Love and hugs, Momma
The seed bank is usually quite dark. I had the door wide open and moved the curtains for the pic so I could take it.
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